A A 0.58 mm2 CMOS reconfigurable sigma delta ADC for mobile WiMAX receiver
Objective: In this work the design of a fourth-order Reconfigurable Sigma Delta analog-to-digital converter (ΣΔ ADC) for 5MHz, 7MHz or 10MHz channel bandwidths are presented. Materials and methods: Our design technique aims to keep the same ADC architecture in response to multi-band and multi-mode aspects of Mobile WiMAX standard. To this end, we set each sampling frequency corresponding to each channel bandwidth, in order that the same OSR value would be kept for the different channel bandwidths. This technique is intended to optimize the power and area of the ADC that efficiently covers varying channel bandwidths. Moreover, we use the pole placement method to calculate the optimized filter coefficients of Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta (CT ΣΔ) ADC. Results and discussion: Over 5MHz, 7MHz and 10MHz channel bandwidths, the ADC achieved 72.89dB, 67.26dB and 66.47dB peak SNR values, respectively and a dynamic range of 73.5dB, 69.47dB and 66.5dB respectively with only 28mW, 28.2mW and 28.6mW power consumption respectively. Conclusions: The design of the proposed reconfigurable ADC intended for use in the mobile WiMAX standard were achieved. Moreover, the results obtained are satisfactory and are in accordance with theoretical expectations.
Continuous-Time ΣΔ ADC, Mobile WiMAX, Reconfigurable ADC, Regulated Telescopic OTA, Feedback DAC.Continuo-tiempo ΣΔ CAD, móvil WiMAX, CAD reconfigurable, AOT telescópica regulada, CDA de retroalimentación
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