Published Jun 11, 2013


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Amparo Zapata-Gomez, MSc



This contribution presents the results of a study that explores the effects in product design from the application of certain techniques of quality engineering. Through statistical analysis we obtained results that reveal that tolos such as concurrent design, the quality function deployment, value analysis, statistical process control and analysis of failure mode effect, are positively correlated with the good performance in product innovation, which confirms the decisive role that quality has had and presumably will continue to have in the dynamics of product design.


Análisis de modo de efecto de fallas, análisis de valor, control estadístico de proceso, diseño concurrente, despliegue de la función calidad.Analysis of failure mode effect, value analysis, statistical process control, concurrent design, quality function deployment

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How to Cite
Zapata-Gomez, A. (2013). Effect of the engineering techniques of quality in producto designing. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 17(2), 409–425.