Published Oct 12, 2021


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Horacio Sánchez

Wilmer Ponce, Msc

Beatriz Brito, Msc

William Viera, Msc

Ricardo Baquerizo, Msc

Maria Antonieta Riera, Msc



Objective: To obtain biofilms from starch and cellulose present in the avocado (Persea americana) peel and seed. Materials and methods: The starch characterization included humidity, gelatinization temperature, paste clarity, absorption index, solubility index, swelling power, amylose, amylopectin, amount, and starch yield. Five mixtures were made with 3 g of starch, 5 mL of 30 % NaOH (w/v), 3 g of cellulose, and different proportions for glycerin: 2 g; 2.5 g; 3 g; 3.5 g; 4 g, and PVA: 2 g, 3 g, 4 g, 5 g, and 6 g. Films were formed on acrylic plates, using the casting method. The bioplastic was characterized in terms of moisture, solubility in water, density, thickness, biodegradability, stress, deformation, and modulus of elasticity. Results and discusión: The addition of cellulose to the mixture does not contribute to film formation, unlike PVA which did. The film had the best physical appearance with a mixture of 2 g of glycerin and 6 g of PVA. The bioplastic characterization was 23.43 % humidity, 39.39 % for water solubility, 1.52 g/cm3 density, 0.58 mm thickness, 21.03 % weight loss for the biodegradability test, 1.53 MPa for tension, 21.25 % deformation, and 10,04 MPa for the modulus of elasticity. Conclusions: The bioplastic obtained did not show the resistance of traditional plastic. However, the results obtained serve as a starting point for the realization of other formulations, aimed at producing a bioplastic capable of competing with its synthetic relatives.


Bioplastic, biodegradable, biopolymers, food wastebioplástico, Biopolímeros, biodegradable, residuos alimentarios

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How to Cite
Sánchez, H., Ponce, W., Brito, B., Viera, W., Baquerizo, R., & Riera, M. A. (2021). Biofilms Production from Avocado Waste. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 25.
Civil and environmental engineering