Solving a two-sided assembly line balancing problem using memetic algorithms
This research explores a characterization of the Two-Sided Assembly Line Problem (TALBP). There is a growing interest among researchers and assembly line practitioners in the solution to this problem, because it is more related to real-life situations than the Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem (SALBP). Since the complexity of the TALBP is superior to that of the SALBP, this research emphasizes both the construction and the use of metaheuristics as memetic algorithms for finding a very good solution. Memetic algorithms are supported by genetic algorithms. The solution proposed was implemented in Matlab for a motorcycle assembly line at a local firm. Compared to other recognized heuristics and optimization methods, a most suitable solution was obtained in a shorter time through the use of the constructed algorithm. With this, all the restrictions and complexities inherent to the problem were overcome.
MATLAB (computer program), assembly- line methods, assembly-line balancing, algorithmsMATLAB (programa para computador), métodos de líneas de ensamblado, equilibrio de línea de montaje, algoritmos
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