Published Oct 27, 2009

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David Magín Flórez-Rubio, MSc

Camilo Otálora-Sánchez, MSc

Carlos Iván Páez-Rueda, PhD



This article details the design and implementation of a sensor network for structural surveillance of bridges. Such network was piloted at the César Gaviria Trujillo Viaduct in the department of Risaralda, Colombia. Results were successful in terms of solution and reliability of the network.


Sensor networks, electronic instrumentation, structural optimizationRedes de sensores, instrumentación electrónica, optimización estructural

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How to Cite
Flórez-Rubio, D. M., Otálora-Sánchez, C., & Páez-Rueda, C. I. (2009). Design and implementation of a sensor network to gather variables for the structural surveillance of bridges. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 13(2). Retrieved from