Published Apr 30, 2008

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Martha Ruth Manrique-Torres

Luis Jorge Lombana-Amaya

Guillermo Andrés Pérez-Rodríguez

Ovidio Rincón-Becerra



One of the fields of biomechanics is the construction of instruments through which we can set up the instrumentation for surgical interventions. This not only meets the concerns of surgeons, but also provides a reason for research and development in other areas such as industrial design and engineering. Accordingly, this paper presents the process of designing a table for diagnosis and surgical practice in the area of proctology, which is the result of a research project developed by three departments at Javeriana University: Productive Processes in the School of Engineering; Design in the School of Architecture and Design; and Surgery in the School of Medicine. The formal and ergonomic aspects of the design leading to the final proposal are described.


Design pulls proctológica, surgical instruments and apparatus, medical instruments and apparatusDiseño mesa proctológica, instrumentos y aparatos quirúrgicos, medicina instrumentos y aparatos

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How to Cite
Manrique-Torres, M. R., Lombana-Amaya , L. J., Pérez-Rodríguez, G. A., & Rincón-Becerra, O. (2008). Designing a proctology couch / table. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 12(1). Retrieved from

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