Published Jan 31, 2017


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Gerardo Hernando Sánchez

Claudia Afanador Hernández

William Arturo Castillo Valencia



The Inca culture contributes in Colombia with pre-Hispanic architecture through the main artery of roads identified as the Qhapaq Nan, Andean road system that dates from the chronicles of historians since the conquest, which enabled the transformation and adaptability of the environment in time and space, with the emergence of new Hispanic culture, about the concepts of habitability and soil management in terms of production activities, ownership, size and shape of the earth. Study the definition of rural and rural housing of the middle basin Guáitara river in the southern department of Nariño, considering that this territory was inhabited by the people of the Grass in ancient times, and together with the Qhapaq Ñan Andean Highway System, form a cultural landscape, historical heritage of the region, makes it necessary to allow its value from various fields of knowledge through applied sciences such as architecture, geography, social sciences such as anthropology, sociology and the history. Housing is one of the most culturally important components of the people, because in it are embodied the worldview of its inhabitants; it is from there that people are projected to its geographical environment, social and economic structure of the region.


assessment, heritage, cultural identity, rural settlements and landscapeavaliação, herança, identidade cultural, assentamentos rurais e paisagem.valoración, patrimonio, identidad cultural, asentamientos rurales y paisaje

How to Cite
Sánchez, G. H., Afanador Hernández, C., & Castillo Valencia, W. A. (2017). Characterization and classification rural housing in the middle river basin Guaitara, Nariño Spatial characterization and technology of rural housing as part of asset valuation of main road andino Qhapaq Ñan. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 29(1).