Published Dec 10, 2017


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Miguel Zavala-Reyes

Andrés -Eloy Reye



The Taimataima Archaeological and Paleontological Park, located to the east of the Caribbean rim of the Falcón state in northwest Venezuela, is in an advanced state of deterioration. The communities that make up the area of influence do not show any sign of interest in such situation, leading us, then, to consider implementing strategies for the valuation of the natural and cultural heritage. We formed a multidisciplinary team with the Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda (UNEFM) and the communal councils, supported by the results we obtained from archaeological and geo-historical research in the area. We carried out several pedagogical workshops of social appropriation, designed according to the educational paradigms, providing tools for the change in the appreciations of the neighbors on their patrimonial wealth. An exhibition was also organized: “Cruxent and the first American man in Falcón,” a pioneer in archaeological research in this region. The results were able to sensitize the neighbors, who recognized the need for their participation to achieve the rescue of the park and the communal councils expressed having strengthened their relationship with the competent heritage institutions and proposed cultural tourism products for community management.


Cultural heritage, community participation, José María Cruxent, Falcón state, Taratarapatrimonio cultural, participación comunitaria, José María Cruxent, estado Falcón, TarataraPatrimônio cultural, participação comunitária, José María Cruxent, estado Falcón, Taratara

How to Cite
Zavala-Reyes, M., & -Eloy Reye, A. (2017). Community Participation, Cultural Heritage, and Identity. Educational Strategy for Knowledge Appropriation in the Population of Taratara, Venezuela. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 30(1).