Published Jul 1, 2009

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Mónica Teresa González Ramírez

René Landero Hernández

José Moral de la Rubia


The researches about burnout have been extended to different populations; nevertheless, we did not find an instrument to measure burnout in housewives. Thus, the aim of this paper was to evaluate psychometric properties of Burnout questionnaire to housewives (CUBAC), designed by authors taking in consideration the Short questionnaire of burnout and also to evaluate goodness of fit of theoretical model behind questionnaires. Results about 200 housewives showed an adequate reliability, evidence of validity comparing with stress perceived scale and acceptable goodness of fit in the structural model analyzed

burnout, perceived stress, housewives, structural equation models, confirmatory factor analysissíndrome de burnout, estrés percibido, amas de casa, modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, análisis factorial confirmatorio

How to Cite
González Ramírez, M. T., Landero Hernández, R., & Moral de la Rubia, J. (2009). Burnout Questionnaire for Housewives (CUBAC): Assessment of its Psychometrical Properties and the Sequential Model of Burnout. Universitas Psychologica, 8(2), 533–544. Retrieved from