ISSN: 2027-3444 (online) | ISSN: 0120-4319 (print)

Universitas Odontologica is an open access scientific peer-reviewed journal published by the Pontifical Xavierian University Dental School from Bogota, Colombia. The journal publishes high-quality original dental research produced in and about Iberic-America. Universitas Odontologica sections cover different application scopes: health care management and professional practice issues; bioethics; basic sciences, biotechnology, and bioinformatics; scientometrics, literature analysis, and scientific writing; dental education; dental materials and laboratory; clinical practice; buccal public health and epidemiology; and specific current topics in thematic dossiers. It is published every six months and accepts manuscripts in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

Dear fellow dentists and followers of Universitas Odontologica,

We want to share with you the publication of a new article. The authors, Castro & Vanegas, from the American University in Managua, Nicaragua, conducted and assessed an educational intervention in schoolchildren. We are inviting you to read it and cite it in your own publications.

Apreciados seguidores de Universitas Odontologica,

Tenemos el gusto de comunicarles que hemos publicado un nuevo artículo en inglés titulado "Ácido tranexámico y su aplicación en cirugía oral. Revisión sistemática". Pueden leerlo dándole "click" en el titulo o siguiendo esta URL: ¡Por favor, visítenlo, ayúdennos a divulgarlo y atraer citaciones de todas partes del mundo!

Gracias, Jorge E. Delgado, Od PhD, editor general


Dear followers of Universitas Odontologica

We just published a new article in English language titled "Tranexamic Acid and Its Application in Oral Surgery. Systematic Review." You can click on the title or follow the URL: give it a look, help us spread the word out and attract citations from all around the world!

Thank you, Jorge E. Delgado, DDS PhD, Editor-in-chief


Prezados seguidores da Universitas Odontologica

Acabamos de publicar um novo artigo em inglês intitulado "Ácido tranexâmico e sua aplicação em cirurgia oral. Revisão sistemática".

Vocês podem clicar no título ou seguir a URL: favor, dê uma olhada, ajude-nos a espalhar a palavra e atrair citações de todo o mundo!

Obrigado, Jorge E. Delgado, DDS PhD, Editor-chefe

Universitas Odontologica, the scientific dental journal of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana's Dental School in Bogotá, Colombia, invites the academic, scientific and professional community to submit original manuscripts for the thematic dossier: Temporomandibular Disorders, Orofacial Pain, Bruxism, and Sleep Apnea, which will be included in volume 42 of 2023.

All predoctoral and graduate students conducting research on TMDs, as well as professionals, educators, and researchers, are invited to submit their studies for evaluation and possible publication in the dossier Temporomandibular Disorders, Orofacial Pain, Bruxism, and Sleep Apnea. Descriptions of cases supported by structured reviews of the literature, reviews of specific topics that use structured and exhaustive analysis of world and Latin American literature, and research in different scopes of application (clinical, basic, population, educational, etc.) for the diagnosis, management, prevention of TMDs will be received.

Key Dates

- Call for manuscripts: April 15, 2023
- Deadline for the reception of manuscripts: August 31, 2023
- Manuscript peer-review, preparation of approved articles: August 31-October 15, 2023
- Pre-publication (online-first) with assigned DOI: November 15, 2023

Universitas Odontologica, the scientific journal of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana’s Dental School from Bogotá, Colombia, invites the academic, scientific, and professional community to submit original manuscripts for the thematic dossier Research Incubators in Dentistry, which will be published in volume 42 of 2023.

We are receiving original studies with documentary, qualitative, observational, and experimental designs that explore different questions in the various dimensions of the dental profession (clinical, basic and laboratory research, administration, education, etc.). The requirement is that such works are or have been part of a Research Incubator. Likewise, we will receive manuscripts of institutional case studies that relate and analyze the experiences, strategies, practices, and results of Research Incubators in each of the schools/faculties and, even, documents that describe and analyze this model in a more comprehensive way research training in Colombian dental schools. Finally, we will receive papers from countries other than Colombia that have training models similar to the research incubators in dentistry.

  • Release of the call for manuscripts: 15 February 2023
  • Deadline for manuscript submission: 31 August 2023
  • Article evaluation and revisions: 31 August to 15 October 2023
  • Pre-publication with DOI assigned: 15 November 2023

Apreciados seguidores de Universitas Odontologica,

Tenemos el gusto de comunicarles que hemos publicado un nuevo artículo en inglés titulado "Resistencia adhesiva entre una aleación de níquel-cromo y un cemento resinoso sometidos a diferentes tratamientos de superficie ". Pueden leerlo dándole "click" en el titulo o siguiendo esta URL: ¡Por favor, visítenlo, ayúdennos a divulgarlo y atraer citaciones de todas partes del mundo!

Gracias, Jorge E. Delgado, Od PhD, editor general


Dear followers of Universitas Odontologica

We just published a new article in English language titled "Adhesive Strength Between a Nickel-Chromium Alloy and a Resin Cement Subjected to Different Surface Treatments." You can click on the title or follow the URL: Please give it a look, help us spread the word out and attract citations from all around the world!

Thank you, Jorge E. Delgado, DDS PhD, Editor-in-chief


Prezados seguidores da Universitas Odontologica

Acabamos de publicar um novo artigo em inglês intitulado " Resistência adesiva entre uma liga de níquel-cromo e um cimento resinoso submetido a diferentes tratamentos de superfície".

Vocês podem clicar no título ou seguir a URL: Por favor, dê uma olhada, ajude-nos a espalhar a palavra e atrair citações de todo o mundo!

Obrigado, Jorge E. Delgado, DDS PhD, Editor-chefe