Estimados/as suscriptores/as de Universitas Odontologica,

Hemos publicado un nuevo artículo en nuestro volumen 41 de 2022, que se titula “Frequency of Peri-implant Diseases and Their Associated Factors” (en inglés). Los invitamos a leer, compartir entre sus colegas y ayudarnos a atraer citaciones para este estudio tan interesante.


Jorge Enrique Delgado, DDS, PhD, editor general.


Dear subscribers of Universitas Odontologica,

We just published a new article in our 2022 volume 41, entitled “Frequency of Peri-implant Diseases and Their Associated Factors” (in English). We invite you to read, share with your colleagues, and help us attract citations for this very interesting study.


Jorge Enrique Delgado, DDS, PhD, editor-in-chief.