Published Feb 27, 2021

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Victoria Eugenia Gaviria Valencia

Hernán Dario Rodríguez Vera

Jairo Alberto Bustillo Rojas



BACKGROUND: Proliferation Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA), marker used in studies as a prognostic tool, is observed in different lesions with a high percentage. That suggests that PCNA could be used to evaluate tissular biological activity and to predict malignancy. OBJECTIVE: To compare the expression of PCNA in dentigerous cysts and keratocysts to predict neoplastic activity. METHODS: An observational analytic study was carried out. The sample consisted of 30 4-μm cuts of biopsies that were stained through hematoxylin-eosin to identify the cystic epithelium. Later, the immunohistochemical technique was carried out to identify PCNA positive cells; with these cells it was pretended to see any cell proliferation. RESULTS: Dentigerous cysts showed positive PCNA stain at the stratum level of the basal cells, and negative for the suprabasal cells. Orthokeratoscysts showed positive stain for PCNA in the suprabasal cells and negative for the stratum of basal cells. This same result was seen in all 10 parakeratocyst cases. The parakeratocysts showed satellite cells and also the highest number of PCNA positive cells, which means that this cyst was the most aggressive. There was no significant statistic difference between the orthokeratocyst and the parakeratocyst, but there was a big difference between  these two and the dentigerous cyst (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: PCNA expression in suprabasal cells of the orthokeratocyst or parakeratocyst shows the autonomous role of such cells to proliferate. The parakeratocyst proved to be the most aggressive cyst.


antígeno nuclear de proliferación celular, PCNA, quiste dentígero, quiste ortoqueratósico, quiste paraqueratósico, patología oralProliferation Cell Nuclear Antigen, PCNA, dentigerous cyst, orthokeratocyst, parakeratocyst, Oral Pathology

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How to Cite
Gaviria Valencia, V. E., Rodríguez Vera, H. D., & Bustillo Rojas, J. A. (2021). Expression of Proliferation Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) in Odontogenic Keratocysts and Dentigerous Cysts. Universitas Odontologica, 24(54-55), 38–45. Retrieved from
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