Published Apr 7, 2019


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Alberto Zelocuatecatl Aguilar

Héctor Ávila Rosas

Íngrid Natalli Caballero Peña



Background: Oral health is affected by caries and periodontal disease; both are progressive and irreversible, and the effects are cumulative with the passing of time. However, such effects are avoidable when preventive measures are taken along with timely care. Purpose: To identify the variables related to the absence of prevention and delay of dental care. Methods: Qualitative study conducted on seven focal groups of people between 18 and 60 years of age, to identify the experience and meaning of prevention and dental care. The sample was defined by theoretical saturation. A semi-structured guide was designed and applied to inquire about: options used, seeking care, use of health systems, and experience in the oral health care. Results: Absence of prevention was identified: feeling pain is the primary symptom of a problem; but if it is controlled, the search for care stops. Gingival bleeding is not considered as relevant. The alternative procedures used before requesting professional attention are self-medication, home remedies, consultation with pharmacy employees, or the internet.  In such cases the search for dental care stopped by lack of time and money, negative experiences (fear or anxiety), apathy, indifference, and a poor-quality perception of health services. Conclusion: Lack of prevention is determined by factors related to the individual and the health system. A subsequent search for care with therapeutic purposes or damage limitation entails complex and costly consequences in treatments.


absence of prevention, dental caries, pain, periodontal disease, preventive dentistry, gingival bleeding, health care systems, dentistry, oral health, health care services, health attitudes, health behaviors, dental care seeking, qualitative researchausencia de prevención, caries dental, dolor, enfermedad periodontal, prevención, sangrado gingival, sistemas de salud, odontología, salud oral, servicios de salud, actitudes en salud, prácticas en salud, conductas en salud, búsqueda de atención odontológica, investigación cualitativaatitudes de saúde, ausência de prevenção, cáries dentárias, comportamentos de saúde, doença periodontal, dor, odontologia preventiva, práticas em saúde, procura de cuidados de saúde oral, procura de cuidados dentários, sangramento gengival, saúde bucal, serviços de saúde, sistemas de saúde, odontologia, saúde pública, pesquisa qualitativa

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How to Cite
Zelocuatecatl Aguilar, A., Ávila Rosas, H., & Caballero Peña, Íngrid N. (2019). Attitudes and Practices toward Dental Health Care Searching among People of México City. Qualitative study. Universitas Odontologica, 38(80).
Thematic Dossier