Published Apr 7, 2019


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Fernando Tenorio Rocha

Paola Campos Ibarra

Alejandro Camacho Hernández

Gabriela Dávila García

Mariana Buelna Hernández



Background: Radiographic examination in upper molars is often deficient in order to diagnose abnormalities in the root canal system and to be able to choose the ideal treatment. Description of the case: This article shows the clinical case of a second right upper molar with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis. An accessory root on the palatal is observed in a radiographic examination.  A therapy of the canal was carried out with ProtaperNext ® and the sealing was made by cold lateral condensation with ultrasonic condensation. Conclusión: It is very important to know the root canal system morphology of the tooth to be treated in order to offer the patient an adequate treatment.


development alterations, morphological variations, number of root canals, supernumerary roots, two palatal roots, dental anatomy, dentistry, endodonticsalteraciones del desarrollo, dos raíces palatinas, número de conductos, raíces supernumerarias, variaciones anatómicas, anatomía dental, endodoncia, odontologíaalterações de desenvolvimento, duas raízes palatinas, número de canais radiculares, raízes supranumerárias, variações morfológicas, anatomia dentária, endodontia, odontologia

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How to Cite
Tenorio Rocha, F., Campos Ibarra, P., Camacho Hernández, A., Dávila García, G., & Buelna Hernández, M. (2019). Upper Molar with Two Palatine Roots: A Case Description. Universitas Odontologica, 38(80).
Clinical Practice

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