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María Victoria Vargas Quintero

Indiana Bustos


A sample of 51 colombian carriers of free G 1 trisomy and 93 controls were studied by taking their handprints. We used both W ALKER (1957) and BOOLLING (1970) methods, which take up to 50 variables into account, to discriminate control population from affected individuals. 41% of individuals with G 1 trisomy was correctly classified through the first method, while 93% were so classified through the second one. We then used multiple stepwise regression to select only 13 variables, which were the utilized in the Boolling method obtaining 92% correct classification.
How to Cite
Vargas Quintero, M. V., & Bustos, I. (2013). DISCRIMINACION DE INDIVIDUOS COLOMBIANOS CON SINDROME DE DOWN MEDIANTE DERMATOGLIFOS. Universitas Scientiarum, 2(1), 103–114. Retrieved from
Genetics, Systematics, Evolution and Biogeography