Published Dec 30, 2020


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Simón Pineda-Cendales

Elkin Hernández-Rolong

Juan E. Carvajal-Cogollo



Mammalian populations are fundamental at functional and ecological levels within ecosystems and are inconstant threat of reduction world wide and in the Neotropic. We evaluated population variables, habitat use, and threats to medium and large mammals (weight > 1 kg) in the terrestrial part of the Tayrona National Natural Park (Santa Marta-Colombia). We carried out in direct annual observations with camera traps between 2012 and 2017, both in rainy and dry seasons. We estimated the richness, relative abundance (RAI), and functional diversity of the mammals present in the area. We recorded 15 species, distributed in seven orders (Carnivora, Rodentia, Pilosa, Cingulata, Lagomorpha, Didelphimorphia, and Cetartiodactyla), 11 families and 13 genera. The species with the highest capture frequency was Dasyprocta punctata (142, RAI = 0.85), followed by Cuniculus paca (56, RAI = 0.33), Odocoileus virginianus (51, RAI = 0.30), and Cerdocyon thous (41, RAI = 0.24). We observed a marked use and preference of habitat in the seasonal dry ever green forest. This finding coincides with the highest value of functional richness (S1= 293.88) for this ecosystem, probably due to its features, such as green vegetation and abundant water streams. Our results reveal stability of the species richness across the years studied, suggesting good health of the mammal populations in the studied area.


Habitat occupation, ;dry forest, taxonomic diversity, functional diversity, MammaliaEnglish

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How to Cite
Pineda-Cendales, S. ., Hernández-Rolong, E., & Carvajal-Cogollo, J. E. (2020). Medium and large-sized mammals in dry forests of the Colombian Caribbean. Universitas Scientiarum, 25(3), 435–461.