Published Mar 2, 2021

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Massimo Canevacci

Ana María Forero


This paper is about the difference between the classical industrial city and the contemporary communicational metropolis. The process favours a new subject (multividual) who is going to change his/her vision of the world and to transform the urban scenaries in fragmentary and floating musical spaces (soundscape). Such a mutaton is possible through a performatic appropriation of interstitial urban places, where soundscapes and bodyscapes interact and develop into new meanings and new sense of politics. In Rome, different locations have been used in recent years to enact such kind of sonic performances connected to a temporary change of the urban sensorial experience. This paper will focus three performatic events: Dissonanze (2006), La notte Bianca (2006), Pan Sonic (2004) selected as sonic graffiti.

cidade, metrópole, Indústria, música, personagem, som, corpo, Dissonânciacity, metropolis, Industry, music, character, sound, body, DissonanceCity, metropolis, Industry, music, character, sound, noise, body, dissonance

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How to Cite
Canevacci, M., & Forero, A. M. (2021). Audible body-spaces: Dissonances in the communicational metropolis. Signo Y Pensamiento, 27(52), 31–41. Retrieved from (Original work published April 15, 2008)