Published Mar 14, 2021

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Marcelo Manucci


We are experiencing an unprecedented historical sequence of corporate changes that is leading us to reconsider many strategic processes that are fading away in the uncertainty of the current context. How can organizations be prepared to be competitive in a world that is unknown and to move ahead in an uncertain context?

strategy, complexity, corporate communications, uncertainty, futureEstrategia, Complejidad, comunicación corporativa, Incertidumbre, futuroestratégia, complexidade, comunicação corporativo, incerteza, futuro

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How to Cite
Manucci, M. (2021). Preparing Oneself for the Unknown. How to Project the Future by Changing the Present. Signo Y Pensamiento, 26(51), 14–25. Retrieved from (Original work published September 15, 2007)