Published Mar 2, 2010


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Nelci Astrid Becerra

Martín Cañón

José Manuel Vivas



Smoking is a chronic disease due to physical and psychological nicotine dependence and remains as the leading cause of preventable mortality. Availability of tobacco products and social approval has a great impact on consumption in the general population.


Smoking is a paradoxical problem. Although multiple cost-effective therapies are available, health practitioners are barely trained or motivated to treat
these patients. Appropriate specialized centers and health coverage for its management are also lacking.


Pharmacological therapy must be a part of an organized, interdisciplinary and multifactorial strategy, prescribed in an adequate stage of change. This article is a review of the pharmacological treatment for smoking cessation.


smoking, tobacco, cessation, pharmacotherapy, tabaquismo, abandono, tabaco, farmacoterapia,

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How to Cite
Becerra, N. A., Cañón, M., & Vivas, J. M. (2010). choline receptor partial agonist vs. sustained-release bupropion and placebo for smoking cessation. JAMA 2006; 296(1):47-55. 47. Kessler RC, Berglund PA, Borges G, Castilla-Puentes RC, Glantz MD, Jaeger SA, et al. Smoking and suicidal behaviors in the Nat. Universitas Medica, 51(2), 167–183.
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