Published Jul 9, 2022


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Eulalia De Valdenebro Cajiao



This paper aims to offer the keys to read and interpret the 1:1 scale map of tactile relationships, an artistic practice developed between Eulalia de Valdenebro Cajiao and a frailejón plant (Espeletia grandiflora). To that end, its elaboration method and the geometric order that structures it are described in three types of statements: simple propositions, axioms of proportion, and poetic theorems. Over the course of these descriptions, the poetic and critical value of the artistic practice understood as a longterm graphic performance is revealed. The 1:1 scale map of tactile relationships is part of a broader research on the art-science relationship in the modern botanical episteme, where this way of knowing the plant world is identified as one of the key elements that makes up our current climate situation, well expressed by Isabelle Stengers as “the intrusion of Gaia.” In the artistic practice of elaborating the 1:1 scale map of tactile relationships, there is an appropriation of the methods of the critically reconfigured modern botanical episteme. In it, key elements of modernity are questioned, such as the hierarchy established between subject-scientist object-plant, universal measurements, the notion of species and the value of truth or objectivity of the scientific method. On the other hand, the geometric method used proposes to re-visit a spinosite modernity that gives important hints for the critique of hegemonic modernity.


plant ethics, botanical epistemology, artistic practices with plant bodies, map, performance, danza contactética vegetal, epistemología botánica, prácticas artísticas con cuerpos vegetales, mapa, performance, danza contactética vegetal, epistemologia botânica, práticas artísticas com corpos vegetais, mapa, performance, danza contact

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How to Cite
De Valdenebro Cajiao, E. (2022). 1:1 Scale Map of Tactile Relationships. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 17(2), 74–95. (Original work published July 1, 2022)