Published Jun 26, 2020


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Maria Elena Lucero



From December 1967 to January 1968, the exhibition El Arte por el Aire was held in Mar del Plata (Argentina). Organized by the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires and with the sponsorship of airlines, artists from the cities of Rosario, La Plata and Buenos Aires participated in the exhibition. The pieces, which were of a size suitable for air travel, would be transported to the exhibition site. In the Mar del Plata exhibition, the plastic works aimed towards geometric volumes or objects that would derive in conceptual strategies. The use of balloons, newspapers, fishlines, bottles or polystyrene spheres revealed the choice of simple, fragile, industrially manufactured materials that created a range of configurations that opened the way to gradual dematerialization. As part of the methodology applied, archives and documents on the event will be examined in order to analyze the institutional decisions that underpinned the creation of El Arte por el Aire, the participating works and the aesthetic aspects that marked the articulation of the object with the idea. We will mention the implication of the term dematerialization from authors like Oscar Masotta or Lucy Lippard, and locate these processes around what Terry Eagleton has called “culture wars.” As a theoretical contribution, we will establish correlations with Mexican and Spanish artistic practices in order to outline dialogues with visual manifestations of the late 1960s and early 1970s, and then come to final considerations.


air, art, dematerialization, museumaire, arte, desmaterialización, museoar, arte, desmaterialização, museu

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How to Cite
Lucero, M. E. (2020). Objects blown by winds of change: lightness and dematerialization towards the end of the 1960s. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 15(2), 132–153.