Published Jun 26, 2020


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Rafael de Almeida



After recognizing the diffuse presence of the element of air in the short films by filmmaker and visual artist Cao Guimarães, we aim to investigate the manifestation of air, as a poetic element, in the production of short films by the director with respect to notions such as lightness, immateriality, fluidity, and movement. We start from the hypothesis that the stylistic-thematic recurrence of the air element would allow us to recognize, in our corpus, the formation of an aerial poetic thought. In other words, a thought that simultaneously gives way to the air and/or reserve, which welcomes and feeds on the breath of that which is real, without preventing its passage or imprisoning it. We will conduct an analytical-descriptive research of fifteen short films, to find out how each of them handles air as a poetic element. Our corpus will consist of the following Cao Guimarães works: The eye land (1999); Between – inventário de pequenas mortes (2000); Sopro (2000); Hypnosis (2001); Volta ao mundo em algumas páginas (2002); Aula de anatomia (2003); Nanofonia (2003); Concerto para clorofila (2004); Da janela do meu quarto (2004); Atrás dos olhos de Oaxaca (2006); Peiote (2007); Sin peso (2007); El pintor tira el cine a la basura (2008); O sonho da casa própria (2008); O inquilino (2010). Finally, our intention is to point out that the relevance of understanding aeriferous poetic thought in the work of Cao Guimarães is related both to the videographic aesthetics assumed by the works, and to the ability to yield and retain that which is real.


air, Cao Guimarães, image-video, auriferous thoughtaire, Cao Guimarães, imagen video, pensamiento aeríferoar, Cao Guimarães, imagem-vídeo, pensamento aerífero

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Guimarães, Cao, dir. 1999.The eye land. Inglaterra. DV.

———. 2000. Between – inventário de pequenas mortes. Inglaterra. DV.

———. 2001. Dirigida por Cao Guimarães. Brasil. DV.

———. 2003a. Aula de anatomia. Brasil. DV.

———. 2003b. Dirigida por Cao Guimarães. Brasil. DV.

———. 2004a. Concerto para clorofila. Brasil. DV.

———. 2004b. Da janela do meu quarto. Brasil. DV.

———. 2006. Atrás dos olhos de Oaxaca. Brasil. DV.

———. 2007a. Sin peso. Brasil. DV.

———. 2007b. Peiote. Brasil. DV.

———. 2008. El pintor tira el cine a la basura. Brasil. HDV.

Guimarães, Cao, e Rivane Neuenschwander, dir. 2000. Sopro. Brasil. HDV.

———. 2002. Volta ao mundo em algumas páginas. Brasil. DV.

———. 2008. O sonho da casa própria. Brasil. HDV.

———. 2010. O inquilino. Brasil. HD
How to Cite
de Almeida, R. (2020). For an Aeriferous Thought: Notes on Air in the Short Films of Cao Guimarães. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 15(2), 90–107.