Published Jan 20, 2021


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Tatiana Cuéllar



This research in arts is assumed as part of a process of cultural transformation, because it relates the I with the we in the field of living and visual arts to expand the view on the different visions of war, violence and armed conflict in the Colombian collective imagination. The main objective is to create a poetic-political device that contributes to current critical actions and works with the notion of forced disappearance in the Colombian armed conflict in the 1980s. In this device, the life story of a former activist of the M-19 t in Colombia, institutional documents, and family testimonies are collected through narrative interviews, approached from the genre of autobiography within a creative process typical of contemporary artistic production. This staging relates three acts of a political subject in conflict: the act of memory, the political act itself, and the artistic act. In addition to the exhibition of two vectors of invisibility and forced disappearance, framed in the social reality of violence in Colombia in the context of the family and the armed guerrillas. The expected results are a return to the testimony of a family event to trace the memory from a flexible territory that leads to a displacement in the historical and artistic discourse on violence in Colombia.


prática artística, espaço familiar, desaparecimento, memória, cenografia, autobiografiamemoria, escenografía, autobiografía, práctica artística, espacio familiar, desapariciónmemory, scenography, autobiography, artistic practice, family space, disappearance

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How to Cite
Cuéllar, T. (2021). Memories of a Dream: Visual Autobiography of a Recent Past in Colombia. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 16(1), 291–319. (Original work published January 1, 2021)