Published Jan 6, 2021


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Gustavo Montes

Vicente Sanz de León



This paper addresses the imposture resulting from the need to forget in David Cronenberg’s A History of Violence (2005). It aims to establish the functioning of the mechanisms of concealment and revelation in the reconstruction of identity. To that end, a methodology is used that, based on theoretical postulates of the philosophy of memory and the pragmatics of language, proposes a specific model of analysis of the locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary dimension of the language of the characters in the dialogue and of the concepts of patent, latent and absent character, based on García Barrientos dramatological model applied to narrative poetics. The result of this work reveals that the reconstruction of the character is carried out through a dialectic process that is sustained on a triple axis: experience-oblivion- imposture (reconstructed character), experience-memory-defense of imposture (questioned character), and unveiling-experience-new imposture (doubly reconstructed character). Finally, it is pointed out that writing (and cinema is writing) sets the memory in order to convert it into an experience for the reader, who has contemplated the character perceiving himself as he does, sharing his silences and his memory, turning it also, as an experience, into part of his own.


memory, imposture, cinematic dialogue, character, cinemamemoria, impostura, diálogo cinematográfico, personaje, cinememória, impostura, diálogo cinematográfico, personagem, cinema

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How to Cite
Montes , G., & Sanz de León, V. (2021). The Hidden Character: Memory, Identity, and Silence in David Cronenberg’s “A History of Violence”. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 16(1), 320–335. (Original work published January 1, 2021)