Published Jul 9, 2022


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Margarita Ortega Sáchica



The social meanings associated with the notions of illness and pain have usually been recognized as out-of-body experiences, they are identified as intrusive or as something to be avoided, healed or cured. This perspective has grown due to “the culture of happiness” that has grown increasingly stronger and which has prevented the terrestrial nature of human bodies from being included in ecological perspectives of diagnoses. Thus, the paper seeks to share the traces of my experience with the disease, some revelations discussed with the Chulajuan (a nature reserve), the palm tree in the corner of my living room, and some authors and friends that enabled an ecological view of how to approach human problems. I will also share the reflexive contact that such revelations generated and the clues that I have been building in connection with the practices as an improviser of the living arts and as a psychotherapist. Finally, the paper proposes the inclusion of the ecological practices of the living arts, such as improvisation and wandering, as a way to cross disciplines, expand listening to living and non-living, human and non-human organisms in our journeys as beings of planet Earth. It also shows passion as a clue that dissolves the stereotyped and binary posture of the rational-human and the wild-animal/plant and, on the contrary, resists the logic of discipline typical of the culture of magic formulas, happiness as the ultimate goal and individualism as the triumph of the neoliberal model.


illness, ecology, psychology, improvisation, dance, bodyenfermedad, ecología, psicología, improvisación, danza, cuerpodoença, ecologia, psicologia, improvisação, dança, corpo

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How to Cite
Ortega Sáchica, M. (2022). Why Me? Glimpses of the Journey towards a Terrestrial Humanity . Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 17(2), 158–175. (Original work published July 1, 2022)