Published Jul 1, 2022


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Alexander Caballero Díaz

Diego Orihuela Ibañez



This paper is an exercise in theory-fiction in which two authors think critically about the strict and Eurocentric context of construction of traditional humanist knowledge that has always privileged vision as a tool to analyze that which is not human. During the critical exercise, the praxis of writing is offered as a methodology; in other words, a possible way out of the impasse of the humanist vision through fictitious stories and unorthodox theoretical ensembles with the intention of going beyond visuality through tactile, oneiric, and experiential evocations. The goal is to start from other senses to open up possibilities to analyze how knowledge could be constructed in different way from the global South, which has been observed and glossed over by ocular anthropocentric tradition.


sensory studies, non-human, theory/fiction, epistemological criticism, anthropocentrismestudos sensoriais, não humano, teoria/ficção, crítica epistemológica, antropocentrismoestudios sensoriales, no humano, teoría/ficción, crítica epistemológica, antropocentrismo

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How to Cite
Caballero Díaz, A., & Orihuela Ibañez, D. . (2022). One Thousand Flowerings: Epistemic Diversification from the Most Visual Perspective. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 17(2), 196–209.