Published Jul 1, 2023


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Rosyane Trotta



The article continues the systematization of the material collected in field research conducted by the author with Colombian theater groups, with the aim of investigating their mode of production and creation. The study, conceived and prepared remotely, had its first research questions and hypotheses published by Urdimento magazine in 2022. The text we now present begins with a comparative analysis of the thematic and methodological field of the shows that were staged in February and March 2022 in the cities of Bogotá and Medellín. Next, the Tespys Theater, based in the city of El Carmen de Viboral, 50 kilometers from Medellín, is addressed. In addition to direct observation, interviews, consultation of the group’s collection and virtual pages were used, with the objective of gathering information that would allow an analysis of its performance from the practices conceived and carried out by the collective. The study focuses on Tespys’ project of circulation through the villages in the interior of its region, with creative works and practices aimed at decolonization. Based on the chronicle written by Flora Quijano Upegui, a member of the group, the article identifies the conditions of production and the pedagogical procedures practiced by the group with isolated populations, most of them with a living memory of the terror experienced in the 1980s, and reflects on the notion of community theater in Brazil.


Colombian theater, mode of production, decoloniality, group theaterteatro colombiano, modo de producción, decolonialidad, teatro de grupoteatro colombiano, modo de produção, decolonialidade, teatro de grupo

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How to Cite
Trotta, R. (2023). Group Theater in Colombia Part II: Through the villages of the Andes. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 18(2), 34–47.