Published Jan 1, 2024


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Wilson Borja



This is a reflection piece which takes a look back over the more than eight years in which the Color Piel (“Skin Color”) project has been circulating. It compiles some of the experiences and itinerancies of the project, from its conception, passing through the way in which many people have infused it with life. The project was born as a reaction to my work as an illustrator for several years, questioning, among others, the illustrated representations of racialized bodies in print media, but over time it expanded to include other types of narratives.


structural racism, racism in childhood, ethno-education and self-education, childhoods free of racism, strategies for repairracismo estrutural, racismo na infância, etnoeducação e autoeducação, infâncias livres de racismo, estratégias para o reparoracismo estructural, racismo en la infancia, etnoeducación y educación propia, infancias libres de racismo, estrategias para la reparación

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How to Cite
Borja, W. (2024). “Color Piel”: a self-recognition project in dialogue with the illustrated image. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 19(1), 104–125.