Published Jan 1, 2024


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Carlos Correa Angulo

Rossana Alarcón Velásquez



This article presents the thoughts around the results of an audience research which employed the approach of digital ethnography to learn about the interactions and perceptions among the audiences and followers of the afro-contemporary dance artistic group Sankofa Danzafro from Medellín and a collective of activists around champeta music that promotes its patrimonialization in Cartagena. An account is made of the methodology and experiences of working with the followers of the artistic groups on social networks and the anti-racist strategies of the artistic practices and their effects on the audiences are analyzed. Subversion, irruption and affective interpellation on the audiences were the three strategies identified in the analysis. Among the results of the study, we observed that anti-racist artistic practices affect audiences by combining aesthetic elements, body narratives, the message and a popular pedagogical intention that are intertwined with the identified strategies.


anti-racist artistic practices, affectation, champeta, afrocontemporary dance, digital ethnographyprácticas artísticas antirracistas, afectación, champeta, danza afrocontemporánea, etnografía digitalpráticas artísticas antirracistas, afetação, champeta, dança afrocontemporânea, etnografia digital

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How to Cite
Correa Angulo, C., & Alarcón Velásquez, R. (2024). Subversion, irruption and interpellation of audiences: the effects of anti-racist artistic practice in Colombia. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 19(1), 202–221.