Published Jul 1, 2024


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Ana Julia Marko



In 2021, the Yuyachkani Cultural Group celebrated fifty years of theatrical practice focused on discussing memory and oblivion. Acts such as fighting for dissident nar-ratives, secluded by official history and colonial violence, make the Peruvian collec-tive the protagonist of the Latin American paths. These topics do not only appear in the shows they offer but also in diverse interventions in the world. Among them are workshops, performances and public interventions especially in communities in peripheral or rural regions. This article aims to weave reflections on the children’s creativity workshop that invites participants to learn about Latin American stories, which are not easily accessible through television vehicles or in formal education institutions in Peru. It is an integrated arts process, from a literary tale through the playful agency and the rescue of familiar or ancestral memories, the participants have the opportunity of constructing a stage experience that expands their refer-ence of the world. In their project of fighting for erased memories, Yuyachkani also assumes historical responsibility with their children. The workshop seeks to build counter-colonial knowledge together with its young people, offering them a non-he-gemonic experience which values the discovery of the originary in relation with the bodies and the issues of today.


poéticas y pedagogías latinoamericanas, Grupo Cultural Yuyachkani, artes integradas, memoria e infanciapoéticas e pedagogias latino-americanas, Grupo Cultural Yuyachkani, artes integradas, memória e infânciaLatin American poetics and pedagogies, Yuyachkani Cultural Group, integrated arts, memory and childhood

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How to Cite
Marko, A. J. (2024). To know the sea, to know the world: Yuyachkani’s creativity workshops for children and flying against the current. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 19(2), 160–177.