Published Jul 1, 2022


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Elsa María Beltrán-Luengas

Viviana Osorno Acosta

Alejandro Villaneda Vásquez



This paper seeks to analyze the emotional link between humans and animals in the documentary My Octopus Teacher in order to understand the subjective transformation of humans in multispecies and sensory ethnography. It also offers an aesthetic-emotional reinterpreting of these emotions by the authors in order to show the potential of cinema as a place for affective engagement. The methodological approach was to categorize the scenes according to concrete indicators of the triggered emotions. We find that the emotional link shown in the documentary may be characterized as breaking habits and the appearance of fear, surprise, love, compassion, and affliction. We concluded that fear can be transformed by opening the door to being surprised, which leads to the development of inclusive emotions. Our contribution is a detailed description of the concrete emotions occurring in the meeting of, and reflexibility about, them, using the categories framed in cultural anthropology, which allows us to show the specific agency of cephalopod otherness and the possibilities of relating to human beings. This points to a possible path towards the inclusion of radical otherness.


cinema, political emotions, meeting, multispecies etnography, sensorial etnography, reflexibilitycine, emociones políticas, encuentro, etnografía multiespecies, etnografía sensorial, reflexividadcinema, emoções políticas, encontro, etnografia multiespécies, etnografia sensorial, reflexividade

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How to Cite
Beltrán-Luengas, E. M., Osorno Acosta, V., & Villaneda Vásquez, A. (2022). The Emotional Link to Otherness as a Possibility of Subjective Transformation Towards Inclusion: The Case of My Octopus Teacher. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 17(2), 50–73.