Published Jul 1, 2021

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Pablo Mora Calderón



This dossier encourages the exploration, from multiple perspectives, of the vast territory of aesthetic and political practices sharing the convergence of two concepts: indigenity and visuality. This convergence, which involves different attitudes, perceptions, and representations, places us in the universe of indigenous and non-indigenous experiences of seeing and being seen, that is, in the tense but productive relations established in the contemporary world between the indigenous world’s attempts to classify, define and represent itself and those who do it from other perspectives, which can be distant or close, lateral or oblique, concerned, involved or accomplice, ethnographic, degrading or supportive, unfinished or opulent, and as many other opposing pairs as you can imagine.

How to Cite
Mora Calderón, P. (2021). Artistic practices and indigenous visualities in unsubmissive key. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 16(2), 8–15. Retrieved from