Published Jul 1, 2021


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Jorge Esteban Torres



This paper explores the incidence of the imaginary of earthly paradise, typical of the Judeo-Christian tradition, in the colonizing process of America. The assertion of an Eden in American lands opted for the intention-action of the colonizers that constantly varies according to the ideological line from which they approach paradise. Accordingly, as it is a problem inherent to the imaginary, the sources of both the visual culture and the literary culture of the time will be addressed in order to recreate the atmosphere of credulity and faith in which the colonizing process was conceived. It is of particular interest to unravel three consequences of being paradise in American territory, namely: the ideology of the landscape, the decantation of the conditions of the territory in its inhabitants, and the tension between being a place of hedonism (abundant and open) and, at the same time, a place of difficulty (wild and risky). I believe that investigating the implications of paradise in the American territory and its inhabitants could contribute to the critical review of the representation, conceptualization and narration that represent us to this day. The main goal of this paper is to see ourselves just as we are.


régimen escópico, colonización, ideología del paisaje, paraíso, tensión utópicaparaíso, regime escópico, colonização, tensão utópica, ideologia da paisagemparadise, scopic regimen, colonization, utopian tension, landscape ideology

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How to Cite
Torres, J. E. (2021). American Redemption: Shards from Paradisiacal Imaginary in the Representation of the New World and its Native Inhabitants. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 16(2), 218–249.