Published Dec 1, 2011


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Florina Guadalupe Arredondo Trapero

José Antonio Rosas Ferrer

Lida Esperanza Villa Castaño



There is an analysis of the citizenship behaviour of workers who take part in voluntary work projects promoted by their company as part of its corporate social responsibility. There is an evaluation of whether this participation develops attitudes in the workers involved which are different from those of workers who do not participate in this kind of projects. The research was conducted in a Mexican food business that pursues RSE projects in the contexts of community, environment and quality of life at work; it found that those who took part in the voluntary work show signs of civic awareness the benefit the organization as a whole and further, help to achieve the specific objectives of their project.


voluntary work force, corporate social responsibility (CSR), rrganizational citizenship behaviourcomportamiento ciudadano organizacional, voluntariado y responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE)comportamento cidadão organizacional, voluntariado e responsabilidade social empresarial (RSE)

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How to Cite
Arredondo Trapero, F. G., Rosas Ferrer, J. A., & Villa Castaño, L. E. (2011). Organizational citizenship behaviour and CSR. Cuadernos De Administración, 24(43).

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