Published Nov 26, 2011


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José Luis Esparza Aguilar

Domingo García Pérez de Lema



This article studies the culture of four family businesses, and analyses their
influence on their strategic management, using the method proposed by Cameron and Quinn (1999). Four hotel businesses were selected in the state of Quintana Roo. The result showed that the family businesses with an ad hoc, clan and hierarchical type of culture perceive similar values, resorts to analytical strategies, and compete in the market differentiating their products and services. On the other hand, market-culture type businesses perceive hard work as the prime value; they resort to defensive strategies, and compete by specializing in a market segment. The culture of the four family businesses is an intangible resource which has a strong influence on strategic management.


culture, family business, strategic management, tourism sectorcultura, empresa familiar, gestión estratégica, sector turísticocultura, empresa familiar, gestão estratégica, setor turístico

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How to Cite
Esparza Aguilar, J. L., & García Pérez de Lema, D. (2011). The culture of Mexican family tourism businesses, and its influence on strategic management. Cuadernos De Administración, 24(42).