Published Nov 8, 2019


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Lucas Pujol-Cols

Marina Foutel



This study examines the prevalence of a set of mental and physical health symptoms in a sample of 124 Argentinian managers. Subsequently, it analyzes the direct and indirect effects of job satisfaction on health. The results reveal that above 75% of the participants feel stressed-out, tired, tense, nervous, depressed, and/or mentally exhausted on a regular basis. Furthermore, between 10% and 35% of the participants report experiencing backaches, sleep difficulties, headaches, indigestion, eyestrain, fatigue, stomachaches, rashes, and/or diarrhea. Results from the structural equation modeling show that job satisfaction exerts an indirect effect on physical health through mental health.


Job satisfaction, mental health, physical health, managersSatisfacción laboral, salud mental, salud física, gerentessatisfação no trabalho, saúde mental, saúde física, gestores

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How to Cite
Pujol-Cols, L., & Foutel, M. (2019). Job satisfaction and health: An examination of direct and indirect effects among Argentinian managers. Cuadernos De Administración, 32(59).