Published Jun 30, 2015


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Laura P. Díaz-López

Leide Fuquen-Fraile

David Barrera

Eliana M. González-Neira

Luis G. García-Herreros

Daniel R. Suárez



The Surgery Department generates a sizeable amount of the income of a hospital. This study evaluates the variability in the scheduling of surgeries and how this threatens the efficiency of the service. This study uses an algorithm for the generation of two schedules that were later compared with a manually-generated schedule in a hospital in Colombia. The difference between the generated schedules is the inclusion or lack thereof of the maximum time deviations in surgery times, under the assumption that these are caused by external factors and may be eliminated. Results show that by using an automatic algorithm to schedule the surgeries response time and operating room use can be improved. Moreover, it can be concluded that the variability associated with manual scheduling has a greater impact than the one associated to other factors in the service performance indicators.



admisión y programación de personal, quirófanos, investigación operativa, servicio de cirugía en hospital, eficiencia organizacional, listas de esperaadmission and personnel scheduling, operative research, hospital surgery service, organizational service, waiting listsadmissão e agendamento de pessoal, quirófanos, pesquisa operativa, serviço de cirurgia em hospital, eficiência organizacional, listas de espera

How to Cite
Díaz-López, L. P., Fuquen-Fraile, L., Barrera, D., González-Neira, E. M., García-Herreros, L. G., & Suárez, D. R. (2015). Variability Control in the Scheduling of Elective Patients in Operating Rooms. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 14(28).

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