Published Dec 12, 2018


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Luis  Manuel  Cerdá Suárez

Andrea  Santibáñez Vivanco

Eva Asensio del Arco

Aurora Martínez Martínez



Justification: Regarding some challenges of the public services competitiveness, it is crucial to enhance the health quality. Objectives: (1) To characterize the levels of service quality in the emergency rooms based on Lean Six Sigma; and (2) to show the relevance of some key management indicators in the emergency room of a public hospital. Methods: Based on a proposal of Lean-Six-Sigma variables derived from the SERVQHOS scale, a survey was applied to the users regarding their perception about the emergency room services in a Chilean public hospital. The main management indicators thereof were identified and evaluated. Results: To emphasize how it is important to make interventions concerning some relevant variables at different action levels in a hospital Ward. Contribution: To illustrate a proposal to improve the health care, focused on reducing the service times and mistakes and adding values to the patient.


health services, hospital, patient, emergency rooms, Lean, Six Sigmaservicio de salud, hospital, paciente, urgencias, lean, seis-sigmaserviço de saúde, hospital, paciente, urgências, lean, seis-sigma

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How to Cite
Cerdá Suárez, L. M., Santibáñez Vivanco, A., Asensio del Arco, E., & Martínez Martínez, A. (2018). Indicators to Improve the Health Care to Patients according to Lean Six Sigma: The Case of the Gustavo Fricke Hospital (Chile). Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 17(35).