Published Oct 2, 2020


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Dhayana Carolina Fernández Matos



The objective of this research is to analyze the sexual and reproductive health of women living with HIV in Venezuela (WHV), according to their testimonies and experiences. A mixing study was made, using a quantitative methodology (a survey applied to 225 women with HIV from the states of Aragua, Lara, Zulia, and Caracas metropolitan area) and a qualitative (semi-structured interviews to 11 women with HIV). Results show that the lack of information about sexual and reproductive health is one of the main risk factors of getting HIV. Having stable relationships, social constructions of romantic love, and idealizations of living in couple, lead women to be unaware of risks and avoid protect themselves. Furthermore, traditional genre roles make women prioritize partners’ wishes beyond their sexual autonomy. Related with family planning, it was observed that this is not a relevant subject for many of them. One in every 10 women expressed that the decision of having children belongs to the partner. It was concluded that is necessary to adopt centered women approaches to recognize WHV as active agents in the exercise of their sexual and reproductive rights. It is important, also, that health services promote and work for gender equality.


HIV, sexual and reproductive health, women, gender, human rights, VenezuelaVIH, salud sexual y reproductiva, mujeres, género, derechos humanos, VenezuelaHIV, saúde sexual e reprodutiva, mulheres, gênero, direitos humanos, Venezuela

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How to Cite
Fernández Matos, D. C. (2020). The sexual and reproductive rights of women living with HIV in Venezuela. An exploratory study: An exploratory study. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 19, 1–19.