Publicado Aug 30, 2017


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Sergio Iván Prada-Ríos

Ana Melissa Pérez-Castaño

Andrés Felipe Rivera-Triviño



In Colombia, public health service providers (IPS) are classified according to three complexity levels: low, medium, and high. Such is not the case with private IPS. This lack hinders compa­rative analyzes between private providers. To meet this need, an IPS classification algorithm was developed according to the methodology of the System of Health Accounts used in the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The da­tabase of qualified services of the Special Registry of Providers for 2015 was used as a source of information. The results show that 66% of the IPS in the country work in ambulatory care, 17% are hospitals, 11% are promotion and prevention centers, and 6% are ancillary service providers. The concentration of assets follows the opposite distribution, as it was found that hospitals have 90.5% of assets.


taxonomy, provision of health care, health services, health systems, ambulatory care institutions, hospitalstaxonomía, prestación de atención de salud, servicios de salud, sistemas de salud, instituciones de atención ambulatoria, hospitalestaxonomia, prestação de atenção de saúde, serviços de saúde, sistemas de saúde, instituições de atenção ambulatorial, hospitais

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Como Citar
Prada-Ríos, S. I., Pérez-Castaño, A. M., & Rivera-Triviño, A. F. (2017). Classificação de instituições prestadoras de serviços de saúde de acordo ao sistema de contas da saúde da Organização para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento Económico: o caso da Colômbia. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 16(32), 51–65.
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