Published Dec 31, 2018


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María José Pérez Fructuoso

Jessica Gragera Cubero



This paper pretends from the Basel II and III regulatory documents on finance and Solvency II on insurance, to establish what operational risk is, what are the specific characteristics in both areas, how it is managed and what are the methods of calculating it. Based in this information it will be made an analysis of the differences that occur in both and it is tried to determine the reasons that lead to these differences.


Basel II; Basel III; Financial institution; Insurance Company; Operational risk; Risk models; Solvency IIBasilea II; Basilea III; Entidad aseguradora; Entidad financiera; Modelos de riesgo; Riesgo operacional; Solvencia II

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How to Cite
Pérez Fructuoso, M. J., & Gragera Cubero, J. (2018). Analysis and Management of Operational Risk in Financial and Insurance Companies. a Comparative. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 27(49).
Sección Técnico-económica

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