Published Jul 28, 2023


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Felipe Tabares Córtes



If one thing is clear, it is that in the last 5 years we are facing a global phenomenon of climate change characterized by severe droughts, fires, floods, hurricanes in all corners of the planet. These events require the mobilization of insurance policies, and this type of contract will be at the heart of the collective reaction to this phenomenon due to its character of guarantee against random calamitous circumstances. But understanding the causes of climate change is no simple task, which is why the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was set up within the UN and has recently published its 6th Synthesis Report on Impacts and Risks. This article will present the conclusions of the IPCC Report, as well as its consequences on the insurance contract.


climate change, insurance, IPCC, climate risk, climate extremes, weather extremes, insurance marketcambio climático, seguro, IPCC, riesgos climáticos, extremos climáticos, mercado asegurador

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How to Cite
Tabares Córtes, F. (2023). Insurance and Climate Change. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 32(58).
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