Published Aug 4, 2011

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Edy Salazar



The text analyzes, if the bioethic can be considered like discipline or science, considering origin, conceptualization, method and application. For such aim, it retakes the considerations of famous authors that have spoken on the subject: Potter, Callahan, Hellegers, Abel and Cely, among others. It concludes, as Alfonso Borrero says to it, S.J., that is a discipline that is based on sciences and that are related to them in interdependent form, with the purpose of analyzing and marking decisions on the problems and situations that affect the life in the planet; emphasizing that as muchs the scientist, as the "bioeticista" is responsible for all scientific knowledge applicable to the values and appraised rights more of the existence, to allow and to wish to live with quality and to die with dignity.

How to Cite
Salazar, E. (2011). Bioethics. Is science or discipline?. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 5(1), 64–77. Retrieved from
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