Published Mar 16, 2011


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Janneth Torres-Agredo, PhD

Ruby Mejía de Gutiérrez, PhD

Silvio Delvasto-Arjona, PhD



The present paper is part of a research project whose main objective was to obtain metakaolin (MK) from raw materials obtained in Colombia. MK is to be used as a pozzolan in Portland cement manufacturing. In previous studies, the performance shown by concrete blended with MK, in terms of mechanical strengths and durability, proved to be adequate. As a result, the effect of the percentage of added MK on the properties of concrete was studied. For purposes of comparison, MK was substituted with silica fume (SF). Compressive strength and durability tests, such as total absorption, capillary absorption, and chloride permeability, were used. For compressive strength, concrete showed better performance when mixed up with a 20% MK. Higher MK percentages generated a decrease in resistance. Additionally, when compared to concrete mixed with SF, compressive strength was slightly lower for MK-mixed concrete. Nevertheless, MK proved to be better in terms of durability with respect to the pattern sample and the one added with SF.


Strength of materials, concrete-testing, pozzuolanas-testing, metakaolintestingResistencia de materiales, hormigónprueba, puzolanas-pruebas, metacaolín-pruebas

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How to Cite
Torres-Agredo, J., Mejía de Gutiérrez, R., & Delvasto-Arjona, S. (2011). Effects of metakaolin percentages in the final properties of blended concrete. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 15(1), 77–90.

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