Efficient home energy management based on the Colombian Law 1715/2014
This paper proposes a home energy management model called GEDE, outlined in the Colombian Law 1715/2014. Different operation ways that can be applied in the proposed residential energy system are presented. The system has a variable topology, so that it is fed by distributed generation sources or by the interconnected system, and they are related to a control system. Three scenarios were analyzed: (1) Distributed generation during peak hours and the user manually activates the system; (2) the user decides to connect several loads that require high power levels in peak hours, and then the service of distributed generation is reserved until this hour to supply the high power, thus this scenario is semiautomatic, and (3) the system saves energy in an autonomous way through intelligent infrastructure controlling the appliances and lighting utilization. This proposal allows providing new energy consumption patterns through mechanisms that make a significant contribution to the efficient energy by utilizing monitoring, control, and supervision techniques together with distributed generation. In the proposal household users participate making decisions related to energy consumption and generation, through the incentives provided by Law 1715.
energy efficiency, distributed generation, Colombian Law 1715, energy value chain, smart infrastructureeficiencia energética, generación distribuida, Ley colombiana 1715, cadena de valor energética, infraestructura inteligente
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