3D Reconstruction of scenes by means of a stereoscopic vision system, based on feature extraction and developed in OpenCV
Recently, devices that allow obtainingthree-dimensional informationfrom the scenes have been developed.The most popular is the onethat have been created by a stereoscopiccouple of cameras. This workpresents a development in stereoartificial vision for getting 3D coordinatesof a real scene, which is processedonline. The stereo algorithmsare designed using OpenCV and aresupported by Linux. Disparity mapsappear in gray scale and in pseudocolor in order to represent the depth.The 3d information is represented byclouds of points in a graphical virtualenvironment. Measures of an objectwith known dimensions resulted inerros between 0.72% and 6.9%.
Machine vision, disparity, stereo vision, epipolar geometryVisión de Máquina, Disparidad, Estéreo Visión, Geometría Epipolar
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