Published Aug 9, 2018


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Jorge Andrés Alvarado-Valencia, PhD

Daniel Alfonso Silva-Barrera, MSc



Introduction: We developed a model for a make-to-order supply chain to evaluate the effects of worker unpunctuality, tolerance to delay and word-of-mouth according  to customer waiting time (dis)satisfaction in four customer lifetime value measures (CLTV): switching customers, the number of sales per customer, the average customer loyalty and the potential market reached.  Methods: We developed a hybrid (agent-based and discrete-event) simulation in a 33 * 4 experimental design. Results: All of the variables were significant in the four CLTV measures, except for tolerance to delay. The positive word-of-mouth effect was greater than the negative word-of-mouth effect. There were significant interactions between positive and negative word-of-mouth.  Conclusions:  This type of model becomes a decision support tool for businesses to evaluate their mid-to-long term performance taking into account their customers’ long-term behaviors and the relationships between potential customers in repetitive and competitive environments.


Hybrid simulation, Customer lifetime value, Word of mouth, Tolerance to delay, Worker unpunctualitySimulación híbrida, Valor de la vida en la empresa del cliente, Boca aboca, Tolerancia a los retrasos, Impuntualidad del trabajador

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How to Cite
Alvarado-Valencia, J. A., & Silva-Barrera, D. A. (2018). Modeling and simulation of customer dissatisfaction, worker unpunctuality and tolerance to delay in make-to-order supply chains measured through customer lifetime value performance. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 22(2).
Industrial and systems engineering