Published Oct 26, 2010

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Jorge Andrés Alvarado-Valencia



In 2004 the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana was gradually introducing academic credit system for their study programs. In order to be prepared for this challenge, it was tried a programme to adapt a statistical inference course –attended by industrial engineers– during the first term of 2004 under such credit system. The proposal was intended to promote student self-learning, and was based on the following methodology tools: the so-called teacher-made class notes, to replace notes taken by the student; self-learning guides to be used for homework; improved evaluation system which included: self-learning evaluation on fixed dates, knowledge evaluation on flexible dates including the chance of attending the exam more than once, and projectbased evaluation focused on Colombian problems and interdisciplinary dialogue. Results gave clues to make the following conjectures: using a text written by the teacher instead usual student notes reduce the necessary classroom time; using self-learning guides makes easy student homework; given their previous study habits, it’s difficult for students to adapt themselves to self-learning; flexible evaluation allows the student to take responsibility about evaluations decisions and study pace; although a single exam repetition seems to improve academic performance, it’s not clear the benefit of allowing repetitions more than once; project-based evaluation focused on Colombian problems and interdisciplinary dialogue as a learning tool is well-evaluated by students and teachers.


sistema de créditos académicos, autoestudio, nuevas metodologías de enseñanza, enseñanza de las matemáticasacademic credit system, self-learning, new teaching methodologies, mathematics teaching

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How to Cite
Alvarado-Valencia, J. A. (2010). Propuesta de estrategias pedagógicas y evaluativas adaptadas al sistema de créditos académicos para la asignatura de inferencia estadística. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 9(2). Retrieved from