Published Jun 11, 2013


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Olga Luz Atencia-Herrera, BSc

Carlos Enriqueda Daza-Velázquez, PhD

Ana Sofía Figueroa-Infante, MSc

Wilmar Darío Fernández-Gómez, MSc

Fredy Alberto Reyes-Lizcano, PhD



This research studies the effect of oxidation induced by the action of water on the asphalt binder in a submerged condition. With the purpose of evaluating the bitumen under the action of water, the rheology performance was assessed by testing it in dynamic shear rheometer; the physical by convenctional empirical tests and the chemical with tests on liquid chromatography (fractionation SARA) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). The results showed that the immersion times show changes in the physical and viscoelastic response of Colombian asphalts at a 60/70 and 80/100, increasing the value of G*, and the angle δ at an increased exposure time to water. This is consistent with the findings in the infrared analysis for asphalt 60/70 and 80/100.


Water, oxidation, asphalt binder, physico-chemical changes, rheological changesAgua, oxidación, ligante asfáltico, cambios físico-químicos, cambios reológicos

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How to Cite
Atencia-Herrera, O. L., Daza-Velázquez, C. E., Figueroa-Infante, A. S., Fernández-Gómez, W. D., & Reyes-Lizcano, F. A. (2013). Analysis of the Colombian asphalt alteration in water immersion. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 17(2), 427–442.

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