Published Jun 11, 2013


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Pablo César Manyoma-Velásquez, MSc

Mayra Alejandra Pardo-Colorado, BSc

Patricia Torres Lozada, PhD



The temporary storage location is a fundamental activity on the hospital solid waste management. The site selection for the location of these stores can not be a trivial task, many factors must be considered, ranging from the rules associated to the proper requirements of the generator. This paper proposes a methodology for selecting these domestic deposits, based on multicriteria techniques (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, TOPSIS), which compare the opinions of the group decider to select the best alternative of location. For a better understanding of the methodology, we develop a case study in a health center of Santiago de Cali, Colombia. In this case you can see, in addition to the step by step implementation of the methodology, the complementarity of the two techniques used, which strengthen the decision making from the relationships that are formed by the opinions of those involved among the main criteria of assessment and the possible alternatives of location.


AHP, location of facilities, hospital solid waste, TOPSISAHP, Localización de Instalaciones, Residuos Sólidos Hospitalarios, TOPSIS

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How to Cite
Manyoma-Velásquez, P. C., Pardo-Colorado, M. A., & Torres Lozada, P. (2013). Location of internal deposits of hospital solid waste using multicriteria techniques. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 17(2), 443–461.